AKTU: Re-evaluation, refund and debarking of examiner.

AKTU has the privileged of giving unexpectedly marks in semester exams. Many a times, I have been victim of getting lower marks. So, I decided to share the process of re-evaluation in AKTU.

Getting information about re-evaluation of copies in AKTU was very cumbersome task. Prof. Vinay Kumar Pathak, VC of AKTU has transferred the whole process to an online platform so that things can fasten up.

Once you have made your mind to do a re-evaluation, you must file an RTI to get your answer copy. Click here to download the RTI form for AKTU. Click here to get the address where the RTI is to be sent. Once you get your answer copy, go to your faculties and ask them to evaluate if your number can increase significantly. Approximately, your should increase by 10% of obtained marks. Otherwise re-evaluation is not a wise decision for you.

Now, wait for the revaluation page to get updated. Click here to go to AKTU ERP. Generally this page is updated after the carry over results are out.

You will have to pay a fee of INR 5000 for re-evaluation. You will get a confirmation after payment is successful.

Process of re-evaluation:

Your fresh answer copy will be sent to 3 concerned faculties for online evaluation. All the 3 faculties will never be informed about each other. The maximum marks given by these faculties will be awarded to you. If your marks after re-evaluation is less than the original marks then re-evaluated marks are not considered.


If your marks increase by 10% or more of your original marks then you will get a refund of INR 3000.

If your marks increase by 20% or more of your original marks then you will get a full refund.

Debarking of examiner

From some internal source, I came to know that faculties are debarked if they evaluate answer copies in a casual manner.

If you marks increase by 40% or more in re-evaluation, then the faculty who evaluated your copy originally will be debarked from any future evaluation in AKTU.

If a faculty gets more than 5 debarks due to re-evaluation of his evaluated copies then he is most likely to be terminated from the his job.

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