Can a civil engineer graduate study computer engineering/electronic engineering as a master’s course?

Yes why not. This is my transcript showing that I have done in Civil Engineering. This is the offer which I got recently, You can see, they have offered me M.S. in CS at UMass Boston. So, if you have knowledge of programming and has done some projects in programming then you can definitely …

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What does it feel like to be rejected by a university that you expected would offer you admission?

Image: University of British Columbia, Vancouver I paid the application fee for 7 universities. I was pretty sure that I will get an offer from University of British Columbia, Canada. You won’t believe it but UBC rejected me and all remaining 6 accepted me. Two of them gave me the fellowship. This was the answer …

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List of Universities without GRE Requirement in US

There are lot of USA universities which accept students without GRE score. They don't require GRE score for admissions.  Usually all top universities require GRE score(with some exceptions) for Masters and PhD admissions. Too low ranked universities usually don't ask for TOEFL and GRE scores.Some program in a university may admit you without GRE score …

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List of universities with no application fee

Please visit here for detailed discussion regarding graduate application in US. An application fee of nearly $75 is not affordable for everyone. So, if you want to apply in universities for undergraduate or graduate studies, you might wish to apply in universities with no application fee. During the fall of 2018, I was trying very …

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