The most insane proposal in regard to the Linux kernel development

In 2016, Artem S. Tashkinov made a proposal on lkml. The proposal: Basically, proposed a sane idea to get newer hardwares working on old kernel. Al Viro replies in a disgraceful manner. The reply: Greg Kroah-Hartman, a Linux kernel dev replies to control the situation. KH Greg reply: To which Artem replies …

Continue reading The most insane proposal in regard to the Linux kernel development

Even Linux kernel devs know they have created a mess for companies looking to create drivers.

I am quoting Greg Kroah-Hartman So, if you have a Linux kernel driver that is not in the main kernel tree, what are you, a developer, supposed to do? Releasing a binary driver for every different kernel version for every distribution is a nightmare, and trying to keep up with an ever changing kernel interface …

Continue reading Even Linux kernel devs know they have created a mess for companies looking to create drivers.

How to install Alacritty on X11 without building from source

So I want to install a terminal emulator called Alacritty on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Their github release page is mostly showing wayland based versions. I found two options. I found a PPA to install Alacritty. The only problem is that there is no mention of the PPA in their readme or in the installation instruction. …

Continue reading How to install Alacritty on X11 without building from source

Pycharm automatically import all SSH connections for remote development.

I know this was already asked 2 years ago. Does Pycharm professional has added a function to connect to remote server over proxyjump without manual port forward? I mean in VS code, it automatically gives me a list of all connections (normal + proxyjump) in my ssh config. EDIT: Ahh I figure it out. Not …

Continue reading Pycharm automatically import all SSH connections for remote development.